When you go on
https://meta.genealogy.net/?lang=en, fill in the Family name Knüpfer and the place name Töpen (fill in exactly with the letters with the dots) then you will get some matches.
Ancestry also provides records for example for a Johann Jacob Knüpfer, born in 1832 in Töpen (Toepen), died 2. December 1892 in Frankfurt/Main. His parents were Johann Adam Knüpfer and Christiane Sophie Naumann aus Töpen. Maybe these are the brother and parents of your Johann Adam Knüpfer?
I also could not find a place Deben in any book or the internet. I would try to get to find the parish register from Töpen which belongs to the Dekanat in Hof/Bavaria to find maybe the birth records for 1834. Another way would be to try to check the other people from the list which came from Deben. Maybe someone was searching them already and found some hints to the place.
Maybe it helps.