Looking for a good but reasonablly priced Bavarian Genealogist

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Looking for a good but reasonablly priced Bavarian Genealogist

Debra Briggs
I did post on Feb 22 but have had no response posting.  I am looking for a reasonably priced yet good Bavarian genealogist to find out where in Bavaria my great-grandfather and his mother and father came from. Can anyone help?

Thank you,

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Re: Looking for a good but reasonablly priced Bavarian Genealogist

Hi Debra -

I've used Marianne Sutter, and she's both good & reasonably priced, but I think you are putting the cart before the horse here.  All records are kept on a local level, so you must already know where they came from before you hire a researcher to dig further.   What info do you have (i.e., names, maiden names, DOBs, etc.?  Madeline

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Re: Looking for a good but reasonablly priced Bavarian Genealogist

Laura Gerhart
In reply to this post by Debra Briggs

I was wondering if you were able to get the information you needed from the Baravian Genealogist. I am in a similar position. I have my great grandmother's name, birth date, and place and the supposed parents and siblings but I can find literally nothing in the German records. She immigrated to the US in 1890 and I have that record but nothing else from before she got to the US.


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Re: Looking for a good but reasonablly priced Bavarian Genealogist

Hello Laura,

unfortunately you do not know the place in Bavaria. This, of course, increases the price for a professional genealogist.

Why don't you try first the mailing lists in Germany, for example to find here:

It is worth a try to see whether there is someone who has an idea or maybe family members. Many Germans speak English so that you also can place your question in English.

There are also some databases collected by other people where you could start:

Immigrants also often needed a permission tho leave the country. Sometimes it helps to run the names f.e. through google.books, because a lot of official publications from those days are completely online available, like the Amtsblätter for all the states.

The Library of Congress has that nice project
Many newspapers (in German language) contain news from the old world. Maybe your family even announced somewhere there the immigration.

There are several other archives where you could run the names first before.

I hope it helps a little.