I’ve been researching my ancestry and am having a hard time finding info and locating resources to help me find any confirming info about my great grandmother and the connections from her to her parents and siblings. I appreciate any advice that helps me understand German genealogy better and research more effectively.
Her name in Mathilde Lenz/Lentz born March 1893 possibly in Russia but there is conflicting information between Russia and Germany. Her parents from my understanding were Wilhelm Lentz (how it’s spelt in Canada) 1869-1969 and her mother who I can’t find any information about is Henrietta Agata/Agathe? Fenske. She passed a little younger and never came to Canada. Wilhelm went on to marry again and have more children and moved to Canada. But I can’t locate any info linking Mathilde/Matilda to her father or siblings except for a potential 1st confirmation record. She also comes to Canada on her own a little after her father.
I’m not sure if the last name is Lenz or Lentz or how/if it changed when used in Canada/America.
I’m trying to find concrete evidence of her and her mother and make some connections further than what’s on ancestry as all info there is either out there by me or I’ve seen it all. I would love some advice, resources and suggestions on how to possible find more info especially when she was born and where etc.
I appreciate any and all help!