German Translation of a few words in birth certificate

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German Translation of a few words in birth certificate


I have a copy of a birth record in German. Through the help of the GGG presentation handouts and some internet "sleuthing", I have been able to translate most of it (I believe correctly). However, there are a few words I cannot read/interpret/translate and I am hoping someone might be able to help. They relate to the father's profession, address in Bockenheim and time of birth (I think).

G. Schneider Birth Record

My interpretation of the text is basically that "the person known as ________________ Philipp Schneider residing in Bockenheim _______________ No 1, of the evangelical (?) religion and his wife Charlotte Schneider, maiden name Gernert, who resides with him in his apartment, on April 27th 1875 ________ and _____________ hour were delivered of a male child with the name Gottfried.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,
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Re: German Translation of a few words in birth certificate

Allan Cole
          I am not an expert but looking at your post several times I think it may say Damenschneider or dressmaker which would fir with his surname Schneider
Regards, Allan Cole
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Re: German Translation of a few words in birth certificate

Allan Cole
In reply to this post by wendy
Further to me earlier reply which only answered part of your question. Sorry.
I believe the address may be BrocKenheim, kleine Sreedgasse No. 1 which probably needs to be investigated via a map. The second I interpret as Drei Uhr or 3 hours. German baptisms seem to include even the time of day. You will need to check the street name.
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Re: German Translation of a few words in birth certificate

Allan Cole
In reply to this post by wendy
I clearly made a typing error when I typed Brockenheim. This should read Bockenheim. From a brief look at Google Earth this seems to be part of Frankfurt though there is another location to the south but it is now called "Bockenheim an der Weinstrasse". It seems to say Sreedgasse.
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Re: German Translation of a few words in birth certificate

Thank you, Allan. They (the Schneiders) were a family of tailors and remained so when they came to the US - settled in the LES at first. Eldest son "branched out" and made shoes (then became a shoe salesman). They were from Bockenheim outside of Frankfurt am Mainz. Dressmaker does make sense and your keen eye for translation has helped me so much!
Thank you again for your help!
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Re: German Translation of a few words in birth certificate

In reply to this post by wendy
Nr. 192

Bockenheim, am 4. Mai 1875

Vor dem unterzeichneten Standesbeamten erschien heute,
der Person nach bekannt,
der Damenschneider Philipp Schneider
wohnhaft zu Bockenheim, kleine Sandgasse
No. 1 evangelischer Religion
und zeigte an, dass von der Charlotte Schneider
geb. Gernert, seiner Ehefrau
evangelischer Religion
wohnhaft bei ihm
zu Bockenheiim in seiner Wohnung
am sieben und zwanzigsten April (27. April)
des Jahres tausend acht hundert siebenzig und fünf (1875)
Nachmittags um drei Uhr
ein Kind männlichen Geschlechts geboren worden sei, welches
den Vornamen Gottfried
erhalten habe.

Vorgelesen, genehmigt und unterschrieben
Philipp Schneider
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Re: German Translation of a few words in birth certificate

To Futse - Vielen Dank! What a great translation! I have almost the same form, just a different person, and you have really helped me to understand what is written on the birth record! Thank you again!!
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Re: German Translation of a few words in birth certificate

In reply to this post by wendy
I am a professional genealogist and was born and raised in Germany. I woud love to help you with your research. Shoot me an email, if you are interested!