Hallo Freunde und Freundinnen!
New member here.
I am stuck on deciphering a word in the marriage record of BERNARD HERMAN HEINRICH KONERMANN and MARIA ANNA CATHARINA KNILL, 17 Jan 1826, St. Mauritius Church, Ibbenbüren, Steinfurt, NRW.
https://data.matricula-online.eu/en/deutschland/muenster/ibbenbueren-st-mauritius/KB009/?pg=17See No. 3, right page, column 3 ("Whether the parents or guardians gave their consent"):
mit elterliche Einwilligung [next word ???] Attest der Pfarrer von Mettingen
with parental consent, the pastor from Mettingen [has a ____???] certificate
Please help, danke!