Translate 1773 US Tombstone from German

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Translate 1773 US Tombstone from German

Hi, My (suspected) 5th great grandfather's tombstone at Zion Moselem, Richmond Township, Berks County reads
"Hier Ruhen die
Gebeine von
Ist Geboh 4 Dom
u. Starn 5 Jany
hinderliess verh-- erüb=
ter Witte 5 Soh u. 2 toch"
I have been told this translates to Here lies the; Remains of; Christian HAUSSKNECHT; Is Born 4 Dom; 1710; and died 5 January; 1773; left behind ------ un=; happy widow, 5 sons & 2 daughters.
My translator did not know the meaning of "Dom". Any ideas? If it helps, it's possible that 1710 is incorrect, either as is or as read. Christian arrived in Philadelphia in November 1741 with age listed as 24.
Thank You, Grady Houseknecht
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Re: Translate 1773 US Tombstone from German

Allan Cole
I suspect Dom is Latin. Try December. Looks like the inscription is in German u. being abbreviated for and Starn may say sterb or died. Consider after hinderliess (probably hinterließ )(left behind) it may say verheiratet Witwe ( married widow ) 5 Sohn(son) u.(and) 2 tocht. (daughters). Ihope this is of some help.