Searching for a kaufmann family - furriers from Leipzig

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Searching for a kaufmann family - furriers from Leipzig

Heshel Teitelbaum

I am trying to find the family of a certain Captain Kaufmann (given name
unknown to me), who was in charge of the garrison at the French town of
Chalon-sur-Saone during World War Two.  Mr. Kaufmann was originally a
furrier from Leipzig before being conscripted into the German army.  He was
executed just after March 1941.  I have important information for his family/
descendants. Does anybody know his family? Please send replies directly to
me.  Thank you.

Heshel Teitelbaum
Ottawa, Canada
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Re: Searching for a kaufmann family - furriers from Leipzig

Nicholas  Kaufmann
My family is from the Koblenz down to Lahnstein area.  Reinland-pfalz, Palatinate.  Probably not what you're seeking but it's nice to see the name :)