Oberbach early to mid 1800s

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Oberbach early to mid 1800s

Hello, I'm new here -- nice to meet you all.

My Gx3 grandfather immigrated to the US before 1850 and listed "Oberbach" as his hometown on his marriage registration and the baptism record for his first child. He was born around 1820. Would this be the village of Oberbach near Wildflecken?  Or does Oberbach signify a region?  I haven't been able to find any German records for him. If it is the Oberbach near Wildflecken, does anyone know where those records (Catholic) would be kept?
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Re: Oberbach early to mid 1800s

Hello, there were several Oberbach:

You might be right with Oberbach (Wildflecken).
Unfortunately, no church records can be found online.
The diocese of Würzburg is responsible for the area.

The contact details are:
Archive and Library of the Diocese of Würzburg
Domerschulstr. 17
97070 Würzburg

Phone: +49 931 386-67 100
Fax: +49 931 386-67 101
E-mail: abbw@bistum-wuerzburg.de

Homepage: https://abbw.bistum-wuerzburg.de/