Marriage Record Translation

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Marriage Record Translation

Can anyone help with the attached record translation?  This is my 2nd Great-Grandparents and I've been at a brick wall with these families.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you!!


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Re: Marriage Record Translation

Picture 1:

1. Column:
Cop. am 18ten Juni 1871.   (Franz Johannis….  Corp.)

Means they got married (copuliert) on 18 June 1871. The rest I am not sure whether this might be the pastor who married them.

2. Column:
Herr Heinrich Bleibl, Maurer und Hausmeister, Wittwer, von Jetzelsdorf V.U.M.B gebürtig, des Mathias Bleidl, Kleinhäuslers und der Eleonore, geb. (Breit?)-kopf, beide kath. Relig. und am Leben,
ehl. Sohn

Mr. Heinrich Bleidl, mason/bricklayer and janitor/caretaker, widower, from Jetzelsdorf, of Mathias Bleidl, small farmer and of Eleonore, nee (Breit?)-kopf, both of catholic religion and alive, legitimate son.

3. Column:
Pfarre St. Stephan      Church/Vicarage
Blumenstockgasse Nr. 5    his home address in Vienna
über 1 Jahr d. (Zg..?)        maybe when he moved there?

4. Column:
33    his age
geboren am 10. März 1838   birthday
l. Tfpl. (?)     maybe “in accordance to his baptizm record” (?)

Picture 2

1. Column:
Maria Melichar, (fälschlich Jirik), ledig, von (Wednitz/Wellnitz ?) Pfarre (Neu Epping or Neu Assing ?) in Böhmen gebürtig, Tochter der Josepha Melichar, kath. Relig. und am Leben

Maria Melichar, mistakenly/accidental Jirik, single, from Wednit/Wellnitz (?) vicarage Neu Epping (?) in Bohemia born, daughter of Josepha Melichar, catholic religion and alive

2. Column:
Pfarre St. Stephan
Blumenstockgasse Nr. 5
über 6 Wochen l. Zg..(?)       maybe over 6 weeks living there (?)

3. Column:
31   years old
geboren am 17. Dezbr. (?) 1839 l. Tfpl.

4. Column:
Joseph Berndt (his signature)
i.e. Joseph Berndt
kath., Hausmeister
Ballgasse Nr. 4

Stefan Bleidl (his signature)
i.e. Stefan Bleidl
kath., Schlossermeister
Windmühlgasse Nr. 10

5. Column:
Bräutigam hat den Totenschein von seiner am 6. (April ?) 1871 im (…?) allgem. Krankenhause verstorb. früheren Gattin Anna, Braut hat die Bewilligung zur (Nachmittagstrauung?) am letzten Aufgebotstage beim (…?) Ordinariat (ddi ?) 17. Juni 1871 Nr. 3141Beigebracht. Die hiesige Verkündigung am 8. u. 11ten u. 18. Juni 1871

The groom brought the death certificate of his former wife Anna, who died on 6. (April?) 1871 in the hospital. The bride brought her permission, too.

I hope it helps!
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RE: Marriage Record Translation


OMG.  Thank you so much !!!  I have struggled with this family in Vienna so much.  The church has recently posted their record images online and I have spent days looking through them for my family with some success.


Just struggling with the German and writing getting difficult the further back I get, lol.


My grandmother born in Vienna and came to America in 1906.  This marriage is for my great-great grandparents.   Would you interpret that the bride Maria Melichar “mistakenly/accident” mean that she was an illegitimate birth with no father listed?  And interesting, Bohemia, hmmm.


Thank you so much again !!




From: [hidden email]
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 9:12 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Marriage Record Translation


Picture 1:

1. Column:
Cop. am 18ten Juni 1871.   (Franz Johannis….  Corp.)

Means they got married (copuliert) on 18 June 1871. The rest I am not sure whether this might be the pastor who married them.

2. Column:
Herr Heinrich Bleibl, Maurer und Hausmeister, Wittwer, von Jetzelsdorf V.U.M.B gebürtig, des Mathias Bleidl, Kleinhäuslers und der Eleonore, geb. (Breit?)-kopf, beide kath. Relig. und am Leben,
ehl. Sohn

Mr. Heinrich Bleidl, mason/bricklayer and janitor/caretaker, widower, from Jetzelsdorf, of Mathias Bleidl, small farmer and of Eleonore, nee (Breit?)-kopf, both of catholic religion and alive, legitimate son.

3. Column:
Pfarre St. Stephan      Church/Vicarage
Blumenstockgasse Nr. 5    his home address in Vienna
über 1 Jahr d. (Zg..?)        maybe when he moved there?

4. Column:
33    his age
geboren am 10. März 1838   birthday
l. Tfpl. (?)     maybe “in accordance to his baptizm record” (?)

Picture 2

1. Column:
Maria Melichar, (fälschlich Jirik), ledig, von (Wednitz/Wellnitz ?) Pfarre (Neu Epping or Neu Assing ?) in Böhmen gebürtig, Tochter der Josepha Melichar, kath. Relig. und am Leben

Maria Melichar, mistakenly/accidental Jirik, single, from Wednit/Wellnitz (?) vicarage Neu Epping (?) in Bohemia born, daughter of Josepha Melichar, catholic religion and alive

2. Column:
Pfarre St. Stephan
Blumenstockgasse Nr. 5
über 6 Wochen l. Zg..(?)       maybe over 6 weeks living there (?)

3. Column:
31   years old
geboren am 17. Dezbr. (?) 1839 l. Tfpl.

4. Column:
Joseph Berndt (his signature)
i.e. Joseph Berndt
kath., Hausmeister
Ballgasse Nr. 4

Stefan Bleidl (his signature)
i.e. Stefan Bleidl
kath., Schlossermeister
Windmühlgasse Nr. 10

5. Column:
Bräutigam hat den Totenschein von seiner am 6. (April ?) 1871 im (…?) allgem. Krankenhause verstorb. früheren Gattin Anna, Braut hat die Bewilligung zur (Nachmittagstrauung?) am letzten Aufgebotstage beim (…?) Ordinariat (ddi ?) 17. Juni 1871 Nr. 3141Beigebracht. Die hiesige Verkündigung am 8. u. 11ten u. 18. Juni 1871

The groom brought the death certificate of his former wife Anna, who died on 6. (April?) 1871 in the hospital. The bride brought her permission, too.

I hope it helps!

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RE: Marriage Record Translation


glad that I could help a little.

Would you interpret that the bride Maria Melichar “mistakenly/accident” mean that she was an illegitimate birth with no father listed?  And interesting, Bohemia, hmmm.

Since there was just a name of her mother and her mother had the same family name, I would assume that she was an illegitimate child. I would see fälschlich/mistakenly more as she maybe used another family name or some other records that were available had her under that Jirik name. This name is a typical Bohemian/Czech family name. Btw, Jetzelsdorf is very close to the former Bohemian area. Unfortunately I had a problem with her birthplace, since I could not find places like Wednitz or Neu Epping/Assing. I could just find a place like Wellnitz, but it did not seem to be the right one. Looking for the old maps with the German names might help

I forgot, Jetzelsdorf V.U.M.B. means Vikariat Nord, Viertel unter dem Manhartsberg  . It is an area in Nieder-Oesterreich/Lower Austria. Records seem to be published for free here

Best wishes!
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RE: Marriage Record Translation

In reply to this post by mbakeroo
Just another link

Maybe something looks like the places in her records.

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Re: Marriage Record Translation

Thank you sooo much for this help. I am so excited to get somewhere with this family !!’


On Feb 21, 2021, at 6:52 PM, sabine [via German Genealogy Group Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

 Just another link

Maybe something looks like the places in her records.


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