Historic German Churches in Manhattan

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Historic German Churches in Manhattan

I have a question about access to historical church registers at Zion-St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church at the Upper Eastside. For almost five years now I have been trying to get records of my great grandfather Romano Ebert and his family from 1850 to 1856. Did anybody ever have success with Zion-St.Mark's?
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Re: Historic German Churches in Manhattan

As you noted, this has been going on for many years. Twenty or more years ago the pastor was willing to look for and copy baptism entries. However, it appears that the record books are now held by a church member [?] who is not at all willing to share any information from the records. It is sad, because this church was originally in Little Germany and has many records of German immigrants in the mid-19th century. I have not heard of anybody who has been able to resolve this situation.
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Re: Historic German Churches in Manhattan

I had been corresponding with Edie (Edeltraud) Randazzo at Zion, and she had told me to keep reminding her. Last summer Richard Haberstroh told me that there is an initiative with Jim Pelzer and a church member (president of the church board)  to digitize these records but I have not heard what became of it.