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Birth record on Archion of my 2nd Great Grandmother, Katharina Seemannin, states she was born to Johann Seemann and Kunigunda Sebaldin - "Hagenbach, BA Ebermannstadt, Oberfranken, Bavaria 9 Jul 1825, and "baptized Hetzelsdorf, BA Ebermannstadt 10 July 1825".  KB Hetzelsdorf, 1808-1835, Birth Register, page 52, 1825, No. 14.

I am planning an ancestry research trip to Germany in September and would like to visit the church if possible.  Would Hetzelsdorf be the town or the church's name?  I cannot find a reference to a town or church in Google. I would greatly appreciate any help with finding the church's name.   Thank you.

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Re: Hagenbach-Ebermannstadt

Here is a link to the village in Meyers Gazetteer. It is southeast of Bamberg and north of Nuremberg. Pretzfeld is the nearest larger town.

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Re: Hagenbach-Ebermannstadt

Thank you!  I had forgotten about Meyers Gazetteer.