Family in Westfalen, Ger

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Family in Westfalen, Ger

Ray Sarosy
My grandfather (Wilhelm J Schmidt) was born in Westfalen, Germany in Sept 1884. His parents (I believe) were Wilhelm Schmidt and Maria Vedder. My cousin (William Schmidt) was told that he was the 7th William (Wilhelm in a row. That means that there are 3 more generations of Wilhelm Schmidts in Germany.  I have hit a brick wall with and family search.  Can anyone give me an idea of where to try next?
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Re: Family in Westfalen, Ger

Matthias Uthoff
Dear Ray,

maybe I can help you a little bit. So far I found this.

Birth of 1884 Familysearch 

Entrie in churchbook online at

Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evangelischen Kirche von Westfalen > Kirchenkreis Soest > Lohne > Taufen, Trauungen, Beerdigungen 1842 - 1918 Band 7
Picture 234 

Birthname of the mother is not give in the churchbook. But for sure you can find that at the Standesamt (Vitaloffice at the Rathaus/Townhall) in the record there

Also here is the whole family at this time listed in the churchbook

Such entries you will find not often. You are quite Lucky.
The father Wilhelm Schmidt is from Neuengeseke and the mother Maria Vedder from

Wedding of the parents in 1882 Familysearch

Wedding at Archion
Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evangelischen Kirche von Westfalen > Kirchenkreis Soest > Neuengeseke > Trauungen 1869 - 1901 Band 15
Picture 25

Entry No. 3 of 1882 June 11 

Groom Wilhelm Schmidt born March 20th 1862 in Lohne probaly
Bride Maria Vedder born August 29th  1859 in Opmüden

Also here the Standesamt will have additional information in there records which will include even the signutres, name, age of witnesses, parents names etc.

If you need downloads as PDF please let me know. I would be happy to send them to you.

Kind regards from Germany

Matthias Uthoff
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Re: Family in Westfalen, Ger
Dear Matthias,

Thank you for your reply.  I had the info from family search already, but the web site "archion", I am told that I am not allowed access. I would appreciate any pdf files you could send me and I hope I will eventually find out why I am denied access.

Sincerely from USA,

Ray S

From: Matthias Uthoff [via German Genealogy Group Forum] <[hidden email]>
To: rjsarosy <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: Family in Westfalen, Ger

Dear Ray,

maybe I can help you a little bit. So far I found this.

Birth of 1884 Familysearch 

Entrie in churchbook online at

Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evangelischen Kirche von Westfalen > Kirchenkreis Soest > Lohne > Taufen, Trauungen, Beerdigungen 1842 - 1918 Band 7
Picture 234 

Birthname of the mother is not give in the churchbook. But for sure you can find that at the Standesamt (Vitaloffice at the Rathaus/Townhall) in the record there

Also here is the whole family at this time listed in the churchbook

Such entries you will find not often. You are quite Lucky.
The father Wilhelm Schmidt is from Neuengeseke and the mother Maria Vedder from

Wedding of the parents in 1882 Familysearch

Wedding at Archion
Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evangelischen Kirche von Westfalen > Kirchenkreis Soest > Neuengeseke > Trauungen 1869 - 1901 Band 15
Picture 25

Entry No. 3 of 1882 June 11 

Groom Wilhelm Schmidt born March 20th 1862 in Lohne probaly
Bride Maria Vedder born August 29th  1859 in Opmüden

Also here the Standesamt will have additional information in there records which will include even the signutres, name, age of witnesses, parents names etc.

If you need downloads as PDF please let me know. I would be happy to send them to you.

Kind regards from Germany

Matthias Uthoff

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Re: Family in Westfalen, Ger

Matthias Uthoff
Dear Ray,

I will try to send you the scans tomrrow. Archion you can not access because that is paywebsite like ancestry. But here are some general information in English

Kind regards,

Matthias Uthoff